What is PROBIOTICS? PROBIOTICS = Pro (for) + Biotics (life) “live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host” - Definition by WHO
Fermented dairy products have been knownin the eastern Mediterranean region since 3000 BC. Since then probiotics have been widely consumed and valued as a healthy food source. Probiotics, which suppress harmful gut bacteria, and at the same time help to grow beneficial gut bacteria, has emerged as an important health functional food. SEE MORE
Consumers growing interest in healthy lifestyle leads to product diversification in the health functional food market. Information technology allows easy access to health related information.
However before diving into such pool of information, isn’t it more important to understand what our body needs? Denps is taking the first step to revitalize your health via our vitamins
The true essense of vitamins, TruVitamin. SEE MORE
What is Denps?
What are the conditions of happiness? Clear sky with sunshine...beautiful forest and lake Serenity and comfort, Hygge lifestyle which embraces coziness Respect each other with care and trust Positive thinking that creates greater happiness by accumulating pieces of daily happiness A harmonious life of human and nature
Denps is a brand that creates a path towards healthy life, pursuing the values of the Northern European lifestyle. We listen to what people dream of in life and we wish to lead people towards a healthy life so that their dreams can be achieved SEE MORE
Ingredients Story
Good ingredients create good products. Denps presents products derived from carefully selected ingredients. To obtain the best ingredients with strict quality and hygiene control,
Denps have been working closely with <Christian Hansen> a Danish company with over 140 years of research history, <DSM> a Dutch Company with over 110 years of expertise in nutrition, <BENEO-Orafti> a Belgian company well known for their dietary fiber, <DSM> one of the top Canadian companies in Omega-3 Being a safety-oriented company, Denps strives to create products you can trust through partnerships with world’s leading suppliers. SEE MORE